Andy Barr tweeted the following:
"Today, to protect investors and Americans struggling to retire, I reintroduced a resolution ensuring that investment decisions in retirement accounts are made on the basis of delivering maximum returns. @Zachary with the scoop for @politico."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Andy Barr:
"Ill keep working with my colleagues in Congress to tackle the supply chain and inflation crises, open new markets for American producers, and hold both our trading partners and bad actors, like China, accountable." on Feb. 6Read on Twitter
"I enjoyed the opportunity to speak with the Kentucky District Export Council (KDEC) in Lexington. KDEC provides assistance to small and medium-sized businesses in KY is crucial in promoting economic growth and creating new high-paying jobs." on Feb. 6Read on Twitter
"President Biden's projection of weakness has invited aggression from the Chinese Communist Party. Great to join @JacquiHeinrich to discuss this important matter of national security." on Feb. 4Read on Twitter